Mt Nebo Range is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on March 15th, 2017.
Mt Nebo Range
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 9.000 inches
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Mt Nebo Range
Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Panel
Rugged, majestic, imposing.
Mount Nebo Range in Utah is an undulating range of mountains that rises from the landscape, demanding that those who enter do so with a sense of respect and awe.
It’s interesting to note that, when humans and politicos talk about shock and awe, they do so in a militaristic sense, impressed by how much damage they can cause.
But in nature, shock and awe is truly a majestic sight, and while it can and does cause damage to those in its wake, it does so in a more egalitarian sense, and with definitely no desire for profit, gain, or domination. Nature is a force that all mankind reckons with, and serves as a constant reminder (to those who listen) that we humans are not gods, and therefore should not live as if we are.
We cannot create a landscape like Mount Nebo Range (although we can do our best to destroy or mar it), but in our sheer inability to do something so vast, perhaps we should take time to appreciate the one who can: if we seek and know God, we ascribe the action to Him; if we search out Nature, we ascribe the action to her – the point is, we recognize that there is a power far greater than ours, and nature is a constant reminder of this.
The artwork, Mt. Nebo Range, invites the viewer to step onto the rustic path winding and wending its way through the foothills, up to the base of the mountains themselves. Just getting there – by vehicle or especially by foot – is daunting, and before us, constantly, are the mountains, the clouds overhead, the weather constantly changing and keeping us guessing. It is a place where we feel small, but in our smallness, comforted: this world is not ours to conquer and subdue; it is ours to marvel over and live in with harmony.
Featured in 35 Fine Art America groups.
March 15th, 2017