Pixels Merch has revolutionized the way that artwork, home decor, and apparel are bought and sold around the world. With a few clicks, artists and photographers can upload their images to PixelsMerch.com, set their prices, and instantly sell print-on-demand products to a global audience of online buyers. We advertise extensively on TV and YouTube in order to attract buyers and sellers to our online marketplace. Here are some of our favorite ads from over the years.
TV Commercial - Hand Drawn Animation
This is the second TV commercial that we ever produced. It does a fantastic job of describing exactly how our business works... and the hand-drawn animations are incredible!
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Don Mennig
Don Mennig is a landscape photographer from Wallingford, PA, who sells his prints on Pixels.com. Take a look at this video, and you'll see why.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Colt Forney
Colt Forney is a storm chaser from Denton, KS, who sells his prints on Pixels.com. Take a look at this video, and you'll see why.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Rob Blair
Rob Blair is a nature photographer from Munroe Falls, OH, who sells his prints on Pixels.com. Take a look at this video, and you'll see why.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Don Mennig
Don Mennig is a landscape photographer from Wallingford, PA, who sells his prints on Pixels.com.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Colt Forney
Colt Forney is a storm chaser from Denton, KS, who sells his prints on Pixels.com.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com - Rob Blair
Rob Blair is a nature photographer from Munroe Falls, OH, who sells his prints on Pixels.com.
TV Commercial - Pixels.com iPad App
Our iPad app is truly revolutionary. Take a look at this video, and you'll see why. A revolutionary app deserves a big-budget TV commercial to promote it. 20+ actors... six set locations... three days of shooting... this is our most elaborate TV commercial to date!
TV Commercial - Computer Animation
This is the first TV commercial that we ever produced... and still one of our all-time favorites! It's simple, gets the point across, and has some really upbeat music.
TV Commercial - Picture Perfect
This is a funny TV commercial that introduces the concept of taking photos with your smartphone and turning them into works of art.
Behind the Scenes Footage
This is behind-the-scenes footage of the multi-day video shoot for our iPad app TV commercial (see top of this page).
TV Commercial - Contest Winners
In June 2013, Pixels Merch launched an online art contest which was open to visual artists and photographers from all over the world. Five winners were selected to have their images appear in our next TV commercial. Here it is!
TV Commercial - Take My Picture, Jack
This is a crowd-sourced TV commercial for our Instaprints.com business. It's way out there... but definitely memorable. Warning: It may burn your eyes.