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Use Painting - Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute by Paul Lovering

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute is a painting by Paul Lovering which was uploaded on February 10th, 2022.

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Comments (11)

Piter Van Moort

Piter Van Moort 7 Days Ago

Congratulations on your sale, Paul!

Paul Lovering replied:

Many thanks Piter.

Genevieve Esson

Genevieve Esson

Congrats on your sale!

Paul Lovering replied:

Thank you very much Genevieve

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia


Paul Lovering replied:

Many thanks Sunil

Jenny Potter

Jenny Potter

Incredible work many congratulations best wishes Jenny

Paul Lovering replied:

Many thanks dear Jenny, I so appreciate your kind words... Best wishes Paul

Gull G

Gull G

“Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you’re passionate about something, then you’re more willing to take risks.” 💖 Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!💖

Paul Lovering replied:

Thank you very much Gull

Rick Hansen

Rick Hansen

Congratulations on your sale!

Paul Lovering replied:

Big thank you Rick

Karen Cahoon Bauer

Karen Cahoon Bauer

Great portrait! Congrats!

Paul Lovering replied:

Thank you very much Karen

Ukrainian Artists

Ukrainian Artists

Congratulations on your recent sale, Paul!

Paul Lovering replied:

Many thanks Ukrainian Arts

Natalya Surikova

Natalya Surikova

Wow! this is a wonderful portrait

Paul Lovering replied:

Thank you very much Natalya, best wishes Paul

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute by Paul Lovering
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