Studio Grafiikka - Artist

Studio Grafiikka

Learn more about Studio Grafiikka from Mumbai - India.

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Studio Grafiikka is a multi-disciplinary design studio, established in the year 2015, with the objective of creating unique, affordable art for interior spaces. Our portfolio encompasses a wide array of artistic styles and subjects with the collection running to over 3000 artworks. The collection also includes hundreds of Vintage Posters and Antique Maps, all worked on and restored.
The team at Studio Grafiikka study the design and art landscape very carefully and meticulously to predict and set the latest of trends, so as to provide our customers with art that is not only novel and unmatched, but also timeless.
We continually come up with designs that have time and again been proven to set trends. Very prolific in terms of creating art, we also make sure that each piece is suited to be reproduced perfectly on all media and at every scale.
If you like the works that we have presented here, we welcome you to also checkout our official Instagram account : @grafiikka .
Thank you.

Studio Grafiikka joined Pixels Merch on May 16th, 2015.