Guido Borelli - Artist

Guido Borelli Art

Shop for artwork created by Guido Borelli.

By Debra Argen-Nestadargennesta@earthlink.net203-358-9701 Artist Guido Borelli da Caluso was born in 1952, in Caluso, Italy at the foothills of the Italian Alps.   Born into an artistic family, (his grandfather was a woodcarver and furniture maker, and his paternal uncle and aunt paint) young Guido first discovered painting somewhere between the ages of 4 to 6 years old.   With the encouragement of his family, Guido's first art challenge came at age 13 in the form of a public award.   Although he did not win this art award, he continued to make artistic strides, and had his first personal art...more
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Images = 1982

Images = 1982

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