White Barn Sunrise is a photograph by Benjamin Williamson which was uploaded on September 17th, 2015.
White Barn Sunrise
White Barn Sunrise
Benjamin Williamson
Photograph - Photo
I woke up early this morning despite the forecast of no clouds. I just had to get out. Kim will tell you that if I haven't been out and made a 'good' photo for a while, I get depressed and complain about it openly. Well, this is my remedy, a photo I am very excited about. The conditions were amazing. A few clouds in the sky, but more importantly, some beautiful ground fog/mist that really makes the image. These ethereal moments are what makes me get up early. They don't come often, but when they do, you know you are witnessing something special, and capturing it becomes of utmost importance. This is a scene I've wanted to capture for years now. This white barn and homestead really capture the imagination of anyone driving down 123 towards Pott's Point on Harpswell Neck, but something was always amiss. Poor light, lack of foreground material, etc. I think it was coming up with a decent foreground that really made me work for the shot this time. I scanned the scene up and down, and this small clump of uncut grass and weeds made the only logical material. The rest of the angles were featureless mowed grass. That did mean that I obscured much of the barn and homestead with the tree, but oh, what a beautiful tree. I'm glad I could feature it so prominently, and with some great light mingling amongst the leaves. I know it won't last. I'll need to get out again soon, and make another image that I can share with the world.
September 17th, 2015