Relaxed is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on May 22nd, 2019.
She is relaxed.
Resting. Reposing. Quietly sitting and luxuriating in the moment.
For the woman in the artwork, Relaxed, this is a time... more
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14.000 x 17.000 inches
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Steve Henderson
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
She is relaxed.
Resting. Reposing. Quietly sitting and luxuriating in the moment.
For the woman in the artwork, Relaxed, this is a time of tranquility and peace. It is a time before stepping into the soft and healing waters of the bath, a time of anticipation and contentment.
How often do we give ourselves moments like this?
For too many people, the bathroom is a place to be rushed and hurried through – to brush hair, put on make up, shave in the five minutes before we gulp down our coffee and jump into the car, off to another day at work.
But every day has an end, and at the end of those days, this is the time to relax, to rest, to repose. This is a time to forget about time and its many constraints. It is a time to daydream, to wonder, to ponder – definitely NOT to plan, to go over the events of the day and analyze them, to worry about the demands of the day to come.
This is the END of the day. This is our time, our space of quiet and peace.
The artwork, Relaxed, invites us to do just that – to relax, letting our body almost melt into its surroundings as we gaze gently ahead, our eyes not particularly focusing on anything. Our very surroundings are relaxed in themselves – the young woman could be in a room, sitting before a sunken bath, or she could be out in a very private place outdoors, a place so remote and safe that she is secure sitting there clad only in a towel.
The message is one of no worries, no anxiety, no rush, no schedule, not pressure – and no phone! That’s what the scene of the artwork isn’t.
What it is, is peacefulness, quiet, leisure, luxury, relaxation, ease, contentment, and a quiet, enduring joy.
(Artworks complementing Relaxed, also by Steve Henderson and on this site, are Introspection, After the Bath, Before the Bath, Bathed in Light, and Expression.)
Featured in 22 Fine Art America groups.
May 22nd, 2019
More from Steve Henderson
Comments (162)
Steve Henderson
To the buyer from Illinois: May the artworks "After The Bath" and "Relaxed" bring you much pleasure as you contemplate the benefits of taking time to enjoy the simple yet profound pleasures in life such as taking a bath, taking time to relax, taking time to live your own life. Enjoy your time!