Old Timers is a painting by Toni Grote which was uploaded on May 20th, 2009.
Old Timers
by Toni Grote
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 x 2.000 inches
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Old Timers
Toni Grote
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
I love old farmers in overalls, they remind me of my grandpa. I love draft horses all harnessed up and ready for hard work and I love red barns and other outbuildings of vintage farms. This painting/print is in honor of all the "Old Timers" who helped build this country and who will never be forgotton.
May 20th, 2009
More from Toni Grote
Comments (31)
Nancy Janssen
This is so awesome....the man in the print was my uncle and those are my families horses that Toni painted. Loved it when she came to the farm for inspiration.
Greta Corens
Powerful horses. Strong painting! L/F, Toni, You are invited to post this incredible image and one other animal image of your choice in the new group: what's in it for you. This group will feature animal images from Friday November 15 through Thursday November 21.
Jim Moore
Toni, I'm a Nebraska boy at heart--though living in Virginia now--and I connected with your work right from the get-go. Before I read your bio I knew you were a Midwestern artist and soul. Love your work. Jim Moore
Carol Komassa
Congrats on your sale, well deserved. I love the detail, light, contrast and color - great job.