Coastal Decorative Citron Green Floral Greek Checkers Pattern Art GREEN WHIMSY by MADART is a painting by Megan Aroon which was uploaded on May 9th, 2013.
Coastal Decorative Citron Green Floral Greek Checkers Pattern Art GREEN WHIMSY by MADART
by Megan Aroon
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 12.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Pixels Merch secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Coastal Decorative Citron Green Floral Greek Checkers Pattern Art GREEN WHIMSY by MADART
Megan Aroon
Painting - Acrylic On Gessoboard
These are complimentary whimsical, coastal, hand painted designs and patterns created by MADART to coordinate across different coastal product categories. These paintings and designs feature some of the most popular coastal subjects from flamingos and pineapples to flowers. They are created in varying shades of soft pastel greens and pinks with more vibrant tones to coordinate perfectly for any product or design. These coastal paintings and designs are specifically created with subject matter, color and design that never goes out of style.
Megan Aroon Duncanson (MADART Studios) has a distinct flair for modern/contemporary art. Her style and use of color are unmistakable, her use of bright, rich, saturated color and abstract composition draw the viewer in for a long-lasting enriching experience with “Art that Colors the Soul”". MADART Studios is a well established, licensed artist with art on hundreds of different products from home decor to purses, electronics skins and much more; along with having tens of thousands of prints and originals collected internationally and featured in TV shows, hotels, libraries and businesses around the world.
To learn more about Megan and her art, Google Megan Duncanson.
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May 9th, 2013
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