Call of the Canyon is a painting by Elise Palmigiani which was uploaded on November 26th, 2012.
Call of the Canyon
Buy the Original Painting
31.000 x 31.000 inches
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Call of the Canyon
Elise Palmigiani
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Abstract Art by Elise Palmigiani
November 26th, 2012
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Comments (110)
Paulo Guimaraes
Congratulations on your 2nd place win in my contest, Abstraction-The Art of the Inner Self. I will be promoting your work later today, and will send the links to the posts! Thanks again for being a part of it. :)
Elise Palmigiani
Many thanks to the Art Collector from Baton Rouge (LA) for purchasing a wonderful print of "Call of the Canyon" -- Elise
James Lavott
Not surprising, it's lively and vibrant work that adds a lot of artistic flare to the scene, well done.
Elise Palmigiani
Thank you so much to the Art Collector from Tempe (AZ) for purchasing a wonderful metal print of "Call of the Canyon" -- Elise
Elise Palmigiani
Many thanks to the Art Collector from North Las Vegas (NV) for purchasing a wonderful framed Print of "Call of the Canyon " - Elise