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Fight Club Painting - Brad Pitt 2 by Mark Ashkenazi

Brad Pitt 2 is a painting by Mark Ashkenazi which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2012.

Comments (13)

Jeff Burgess

Jeff Burgess

Congratulations, your very beautiful art piece has been featured in the Digital AI group.

Mark Ashkenazi replied:

thank you

Hartmut Jager

Hartmut Jager

A fabulous and imaginative art-image . Excellent ! :-)

Mark Ashkenazi replied:

thank you

Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick

Wonderful and creative work! FV

Mark Ashkenazi replied:

t u

Dave Farrow

Dave Farrow

Just as beautiful as it is incredible....I love how you incorprated such depth into this gold medal work of art....Dali himself would be proud of you..L/F

Mark Ashkenazi replied:

t u

Taikan Nishimoto

Taikan Nishimoto

Very Interesting !!! L/F. ------ Taikan

Mark Ashkenazi replied:


Jeff  Swan

Jeff Swan


Christy Usilton

Christy Usilton

Very cool! vf

Mark Ashkenazi replied:


Mark Ashkenazi

Mark Ashkenazi


Kim Sy Ok

Kim Sy Ok

Awesome and captivating-love it :)!! v/f -Kim

Mark Ashkenazi replied:


Amir Azura

Amir Azura

I love this fishes , v

Mark Ashkenazi replied:


Clotilde Espinosa

Clotilde Espinosa

Im in awe for this terrific work, it makes me want to do something daring. Wow

Mark Ashkenazi replied:


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Brad Pitt 2 by Mark Ashkenazi
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