Beneath Your Beautiful is a painting by Paul Lovering which was uploaded on January 11th, 2013.
Beneath Your Beautiful
Beneath Your Beautiful
Paul Lovering
Painting - Watercolor & Ink
Commission watercolor and ink of the Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
January 11th, 2013
More from Paul Lovering
Comments (39)

Deyanira Harris
Beautiful watercolor Paul!! love it!! lfv
Paul Lovering replied:
It is a thrill when I get a comment on this Marilyn dear Deyanira , you so made my day , thank you so much and a Happy weekend my friend .

Barbara St Jean
Congratulations your submission has been FEATURED in MOUSE!! Great Work!! Cheers, Barbara F/V
Paul Lovering replied:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww how fabulous , thank you so much dear Barbara , your Mouse group so ROCKS

Jacqueline Athmann
It's wonderful to see your progression of portraits -- from more refined to deconstructed. I ADORE the graffiti nature of your most recent uploaded pieces. Well done -- it's breathtaking work. - all of it.
Paul Lovering replied:
Awwwwww such a fabulous comment Dear Jacqueline , my L plates are still on , but to get your review of my progress soooooooooooooo thrills , Happy Weekend my friend

Jack Zulli
Briefing over your works, I am impressed with your style of art as in this work, very well done! v/f
Paul Lovering replied:
Many many thanks Jack , you have so made my weekend , special wishes from Edinburgh .. Paul

Thrower Photography
Beautiful work! Love it!
Paul Lovering replied:
Thank you so much for passing by Thrower , I Love your fabulous work and super comment , best wishes from Edinburgh , regards Paul

A Zhoniu Pfozhe
Have you heard about Voka? Very much similar with his works. Love them very very much. Voted :)
Paul Lovering replied:
No never heard of this artist ? , thank you for your visit and fab words my friend

Ruby Cross
Paul your watercolor paintings are amazing! I love working with faces and your portraits are beautiful.
Paul Lovering replied:
Awwwwwwwwwwe that is a gorgeous comment dear Ruby , you made my day my friend and I send my special thanks from Edinburgh .. Paul

Helena Wierzbicki
Very beautiful expression, Paul !!! Fantastic work !!!
Paul Lovering replied:
Thank you soooooooooooooo much dear Helena , I so appreciate your kind words .

Beto Machado
Paul Lovering replied:
Beto it is always fabulous to read your critiques my friend , my special thanks for this visit .. Paul

Ginette Fine Art LLC Ginette Callaway
Her beauty invited judgement, her beauty, covered up her pain, her beauty invited cruelty but your painting shows all of that, that that made her human.. flesh and blood.... heart and soul. Adored instead of loved, ridiculed instead of respected she was not made for this world. She was a kind and gentle soul.
Paul Lovering replied:
Wow ... What a terrific and compelling insightful read dear Ginette ,your words are so right and thank you so so much for making the comment page shine . Paulx

Nikki Dalton
You paint her in so many different lights letting her Beauty shine through. Super portrait!
Paul Lovering replied:
So delighted you like this portrait of Marilyn kind Nikki , you so inspire my friend xx

Lisa Knechtel
This is WOW. I love this LOVE. Stunning!
Paul Lovering replied:
Awwwwwwwwwww dear Lisa that is just a wonderful comment , you so made my day my friend . Woawwwwwwwww and special thanks Paulx